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What is the impact of the winding load?
Time:2023-04-26    Clicks:56

Enterprises not only need to innovate in implementation, but also in production design, marketing forms, system management, and other aspects. But sometimes, it's not something that can be changed by innovation. For example, it's like a problem. Not for innovation, but for solutions.

When the load current of the foil winding machine is added, the copper loss of the winding coil will increase, so the temperature of the stator winding coil and stator iron core will increase. During normal operation, the load current of the foil winding machine should not exceed the rated value on the nameplate. When the ambient temperature increases or decreases, the load current will also increase or decrease accordingly.

When monitoring whether the load current is expanding, the balance of the three-phase current should also be monitored. Generally, when the larger value of the two-phase current does not exceed the rated current value, the imbalance of each phase current should not exceed 10%. If the difference is significant, the stator winding may have faults such as short circuits, open circuits, reverse connections, or single-phase motor operation. Stop the car immediately at this moment, identify the cause and eliminate the problem before using it.

The control device of a large capacity foil winding machine is generally equipped with an ammeter to monitor its current at any time. Foil winding machines with smaller capacity are generally not equipped with an ammeter, but they also need to be frequently measured with a clamp type ammeter.